Saturday, February 20, 2010


You're looking for answers to the big questions. Why am I here? Where am I going? How should I live?

I was chatting with my mate, the Dalai Lama. He's a lovely little peanut but totally mad, of course. Shuffling about screaming, 'I need pillow!' and crying, 'Do I look fat in this?' As I've always maintained, orange drapes don't do anyone any favours. But what the Dalai and I can agree on is that pessimists are right. No one gets out of here alive.

Let me tell you a story about a lady named Ruth. Ruth, like you, was looking for answers. She turned to God because she thought she'd be alright with the Big Cheese on her side. Insecure about her capacity to make connections with humans, Ruth fell in love with the idea of a higher being who would always love her, and always be there. She was using God as a crutch. I had to knock away that crutch. I had to make Ruth realise that she was alone. Hearing, helping and hissing that fear is painful - but you can't make a smoothie without squashing some bananas.

I sealed Ruth in a soundproof chamber devoid of light. The most effective way of stripping away someone's capacity to resist is to deprive them of sensory stimulation. Henry Kissinger taught me that. I needed to destablise Ruth's world. 

Ruth became paranoid.....

Anxious, depressed…

But eventually she began to transcend her fear of loneliness. Sure, she may be 'certifiably' insane but who isn't? 

With my help Ruth came to realise that she didn't need God. She didn't need anyone. She finally understood when everything else is ripped away, all that's left is you. And that has to be enough. That has to be lovable. I lost contact with Ruth soon afterwards but there are reports of a Sasquatch-like creature that roams the fringes of Koolpinyah and feasts on camel meat. I like to think that's Ruth; happy and content with her friends, the dromedaries.

I tell Ruth's story to make you understand that there are no answers. There's only fear and fearlessness. How do you want to live?